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Financial Sanctions
S. No. Subject Date
1 Corrigendum - Revised allocation of funds to the State/UTs/PIUs for incurring expenditure on the National Highways (Original) [NH(O)] work during the Financial Year 2024-25 (943.88 Kb application-pdf)
2 Corrigendum - Revised allocation of funds to the State/UTs/PIUs for incurring expenditure on the National Highways (Original) [NH (O)] work during the Financial Year 2024-25 (1.98 Mb application-pdf)
3 Corrigendum - Allocation of funds to NHAI for projects under NH(O)-NE during the Financial Year 2024-25 (1.16 Mb application-pdf)
4 Release of fund "Swachhta Action Plan" to National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for the Financial Year 2024-25 (573.66 Kb application-pdf)
5 Allocation and release of fund to NHAI for incurring expenditure on the EAP Works, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Counterpart during the Financial Year 2024-25 (631.52 Kb application-pdf)
6 Allocation and release of fund to NHAI for incurring expenditure on the EAP Works, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) loanpart during the Financial Year 2024-25 (626.02 Kb application-pdf)
7 Allocation of funds under MH-5054 under EAP Loan and EAP Counterpart schemes during the Financial Year 2024-25 (690.69 Kb application-pdf)
8 State-wise allocation of funds under Economic Importance and Inter State Connectivity Scheme (EI&ISC) for the Financial Year 2024-25 on first-come-fist-serve basis (648.10 Kb application-pdf)
9 Drawl of advance from Contingency fund of India for Incurring expenditure by NHAI for project under NH(O)-General Other Scheme during the Financial Year 2024-25 (1.09 Mb application-pdf)
10 Release of fund to States under CRIF for the Financial Year 2024-25 on first-come-first-serve basis (871.88 Kb application-pdf)
